What is a LifeGroup? LifeGroups are home Bible studies that meet to learn about God and grow together in fellowship.
Our LifeGroups meet twice a month on Sunday and Thursday evenings as well as Saturday mornings.
Sundays @ 6:00 p.m.
Leaders: Rob & Rose Jackson
Contact Rob Jackson @ (413) 627-7521 for specific dates and directions.
Tuesdays @ 6:30 p.m.
Host: Zippie Irari
Leader: Wanda Rodriguez
Contact Wanda @ (413) 557-4267 for specific dates and directions.
Thursdays @ 6:30 p.m.
Hosts and Leaders: Pastor Wayne and Gail Hartsgrove
Contact Pastor Wayne @ (413) 330-7128 for specific dates and directions.
2nd and 3rd Saturdays @ 10:00 a.m.
Leaders: Jeremy and Rebecca Rivest
Contact Jeremy Rivest @ (413)-977-9920 for specific dates and directions.